Quarantine, Anxiety and Pets


The three separate words which were never meant to be each side are now the most closer ones.

The global Quarantine, its causing anxiety and tranquilizing pets.


Let's find out.


COVID-19 or Corona Virus Disease 2019, which is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 severely causing boundless hurdles and is yet increasing in our country (INDIA).

Fever, cough, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, vomiting, shortness of breath are few symptoms of the disease which cause several complications  like respiratory disease and failure, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis and many more.

People are facing health issues, Alongside Mental hitches are another corner to worry about.


QUARANTINE PHASE ( A sort of New Untouchability Concept )

Yes, You've heard that right and almost each one of you must be familiar with it as well. Social-Distancing is another word for quarantine, which is Ofcourse an only massive measure to control the influence of Covid-19. But the global pandemic has major effects on ones lives.                                                    

Many of the population on this phase must have facing stressful and Imbalancing challenges. Few feel isolated and alone which increases stress and anxiety. Rather than feeling alone and isolated learn to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you more efficient.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”

– Robert Schuller


Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us even those who have not been infected by the virus, will choose to quarantine in our homes for the upcoming weeks. Capsized travel plans, indefinite isolation, panic over scarce re-sources and information overload could be a recipe for unchecked anxiety and feelings of isolation. Here are a few pointers that could help you survive spiraling negative thoughts about this uncertain time. 

1. Take breaks from social media  and other Negative news by any means: It’s good to be informed, but hearing about the pandemic constantly can be upsetting. Consider limiting news to just a couple times a day and disconnecting from phone, tv, and computer screens for a while.

2. Take care of your Heath: Start Exercising and meditating at home. Make a Quarantine resolution and routine.

3.Healthy Dies and Meals : Healthy diets and proper meals are very important to feel positive from inside.

4. Avoid Corona virus News and coverage : Continious Covid News can form Negative impact on any normal human being. So if it bothers your mental peace, flush out some NEGATIVITY !!

5. Wake up, Do Productive and Sleep : Arrange your bed-time and try to cope up with productive routine and most importantly take proper sleep.

6. Enjoy the phase : If social Distancing is isolating you, Tap your fingers and Socialize online. Get New Public sphere and do productive work daily, also connect with each other and share emotions and feelings about how to actually overcome deal and find a way with Social distancing.

7. Get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine when available.

“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”

 – Jim Rohn

Other immediate Help in crisis ( Only for India ):

  • Single emergency Helpline : 112
  • Police Helpline : 100
  • Suicide Prevention: 9152987821
  • Domestic Violence helpline : 1091, 181
  • Child Abuse helpline : 1098
  • Sexual Assault Helpline : 181
  • Veteran’s Crisis Helpline : 1-800-273-8255
  • Disaster Distress Helpline : 1078
  • The Eldercare Locator : 1091, 1291


Dark-charcoaled average damp nose, with ears giving standing ovation without exception that too for no reason and very hungry, looks like this fit in to Jind Kaur.  Jind, 5th yet most prioritized family member of my house born the same day when I came to this world, on October 21st 2019. I can't really explain how she was without a doubt very important to me this whole time. But I surely will try to throw some light on her significance.

The most happiest living creature this whole quarantined phase was jind, and why ?

Who would not love day and night hugs, kisses and treats ? She's getting more bowls of sarso-da-saag with makkhan, all thanks to our healthy yet heavy hunger pangs and cravings. Alike all other healthy normal dogs, she hate taking baths. Last Friday we all were amazed to find her weight, she was 27 Kilograms with all makkhan ( Indian/punjabi dairy product ) over her neck and belly. Now you know why she was the happiest ?

Since quarantine was not that wonderful for people like us searching jobs after their Post-graduate degree, physically isolating ourselves in homes were mentally unacceptable. Anxiety, Stress and depression were every day tragedy, and the worst thing in it was WE WERE'NT READY FOR THIS !

Earlier I could not wake up before 11 in the morning and do anything which benefits my 24-hour Day, of course why because I was unemployed and unawared of the circumstances which I was facing and yet about to face. Demotivation was another fly in the ointment during primary days of Quarantine phase.

It is totally acceptable how youths between 23-35 were going through such hard rocks with loosing jobs and work. The transition was even getting more worst than before, more isolated, no friends and peer, no Zomato and swiggy.


“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.”

 – Doe Zantamata

Back to Jind, yes Jind played a great vital role in my already sunken ship. And because she don't have a toy yet every morning sharp 8:30 she reach my beds and for no reason start licking my feet down wondering in case if I wake myself up and rub her belly. She tap her dampy nose to my thighs to ask if I play with her and sometimes scratch my toes followed by such puppy face, all for pampering. She is very selfish I must say.

But her selfishness was concentual, it was benefiting and boosting my mind peace. Lunch and Dinner is much more warming than before with jind.

The easiest one could process in this difficult phase was to find something which actually diverts negativity in our lives. Jind itself was an Motivation, who made my attempts at changing my life to be more exciting and inspiring.

I finally realized the answer to all decade long question of how to manage anxiety and depression - GET A DOG/PET.

Citation Information

Article Title

Quarantine, Anxiety and Pets.


Parampreet Kaur

Blog Name

Parampreet Kaur Sehmbi



Access Date

May 01, 2021

Last Updated

May 01, 2021

Source Embedded Links:

  • https://www.rover.com/blog/dogs-can-help-depression-stress-anxiety-complete-guide/
  • https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/covid-19-lockdown-guide-how-manage-anxiety-and
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19
  • https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/covid-19-and-its-impact-on-india/covid-19-and-its-impact-on-indian-society-27565/
  • https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(20)30460-8/fulltext#seccestitle150


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