Fair-minded Conviction

 ~Leo Tolstoy 

A great Russian author once said “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it”

I won’t question why but rather I would ask with what confidence ?

Will it bring you food or shelter I here stress it’s incredulity, I here stress the sum of trust you rely to share exact wrong.

Do you ever think it’s ethically wrong or you have no god-fearing or spices excites your temper ?

Do you ever try to convince your inner-self about how amount of exact wrong you’re doing to the rights ?

Do you ever consider how will it effect the majority & forthcoming society or era?

This stresses dominance over silent minorities (not casteism) & over all other periferal rest overs. I’m here talking about conditions of farmers, about victims of racism, about female foeticide, about separate discrimination, about bribery, corruption, outsourcing, child labouring & I stand out for every other vulnerable individual who’ve been a sufferer.

I here stress over responsibility of each respective posses in any lawlessness.

Fair-minded Conviction

~Parampreet Kaur 


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